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How do I place an order?
Orders are placed on a computer. The ordering process is outlined in this video:
What if I just want to order hymns?
Select the service date, preferred hymnal, and leave the service setting as a blank service. Find a hymn and then drag it to the gray rectangular area above Submit Church Service to add tracks.
Can I add a Prelude/Offertory/Postlude to a blank service?
The Add Prelude/Offertory/Postlude buttons can be used to add to the service. The music will be auto-selected and only one of each can be ordered.
Can I order hymns from more than one hymnal in the same service?
Yes! Just change the hymnal in your drop down list of hymnals and enter the hymn number.
How do I combine liturgy from more than one service setting?
The service date and preferred hymnal must be selected. Once a template is selected, move the desired track(s) to the Removed Songs box. From there, select another template and drag the track(s) from the Removed Songs box back into the service.
How do I create a custom template?
Custom templates are a great way to save your specific service preferences, particularly if you use some of the same elements on a regular basis. You can save as many templates as you need. To create a custom template:
Begin with a blank order
Create your service as usual by selecting a service setting or adding other liturgical elements, but do not add
the hymns for the upcoming Sunday (unless they are hymns that repeat each week) -
At the bottom of the order page, click "Save As Template"
Name your template in the box that pops up and click Save
Add hymns for the upcoming Sunday and submit your order
Saved custom templates can be accessed by using the "Select Saved Template" drop-down menu below the Find Hymn box. If you regularly change your orders after submitting them, it's a good idea to save each week's service as a template before submitting the order so you don't have to re-create it from scratch should changes need to be made.
Can I place more than one order on the same date?
No. The SOS system does not allow for more than one (1) order to be placed on the same date. To place a second order, select a date one day prior or after the desired service date.
Can I place orders in advance?
Yes! In fact it is encouraged. There is no limit to the number of services that can be placed in advance. Due to licensing restrictions, the order will not be available to download until six (6) days before the service date.
How to I find out dates for orders I’ve already placed or make sure an order has been received?
View Order History on the CMS website provides information about submitted services. Follow these steps to check order history:
Log into your CMS account on the computer
Hover the cursor/arrow over SOS
Select a range of dates and click submit. Service dates for submitted services will appear.
To view the order details, click on the desired service date.
How do I change an order that has already been submitted?
The entire order will need to be resubmitted. It is important to use the same service date so that it will overwrite the previous order. Click “yes” when the system asks for permission to overwrite the previously submitted service. It is best to save services as templates so that quick changes can be made if needed. After the download notification email is received for the new service, clear the service cache on the iPad to download the new service.
Are special preludes and postludes available?
A limited number of preludes and postludes are available upon request. Please call or email CMS customer service to receive this information.
Can I use Psalm tones?
Psalm tones A-K in Lutheran Service Book are available. For Psalm tone A order 1, B is 2, etc. It will play the tones to serve as an example and get the chant started. The introduction must be included when the order is placed.
What if I ordered a service but didn’t use it?
We don’t charge for services that aren’t used, but you will need to let us know if a service does not get used. Please call CMS customer service or send an email that includes the church name and location, and the date of the service not used.
How do I use Reduced Registration?
The R with the circle around it stands for Reduced Registration when ordering a hymn. Selecting this symbol will remove all organ stops with the exception of a few flute stops. This will make the volume similar to a prelude or offertory on the stanzas for which you’ve selected this feature. This option is perfect for adding extra prelude music, accompanying a choir, or adding contemplative music during communion distribution.
For Audio customers ONLY: always include the introduction when selecting the Reduced Registration feature, no matter how many stanzas you select. Removing the introduction will cause the track to glitch.
How do I order hymns that begin and end with a refrain?
The last stanza must be included in order to receive the final statement of the refrain. If fewer stanzas are ordered than the hymn’s full complement of stanzas, remove (i.e., uncheck) stanzas other than the last one.
iPad System Requirements
Any model will work: iPad, iPad mini, iPad Air, or iPad Pro. Refurbished models work, as well. For Audio customers: the age of the iPad is important. Please purchase an iPad released within the last 2-3 years. iPads manufactured before 2021 have older tech that can cause problems for Audio playback. (This does not affect MIDI customers.)
How do I clear the service cache?
Open the iPad Settings app (it is silver and looks like a gear)
Scroll down on the left side of the screen, then tap on the SOS app
On the right side of the screen, tap the white button to the right of “Clear Service Cache”
and leave it with the slider set to green -
Go to the SOS app on the home screen
Reopen the SOS app
A pop-up message will ask to clear the service cache. Tap “yes”
Proceed to Download Available Services and look for a red notification dot to appear
What do I do if a service disappears from my iPad?
Clear the service cache and download the service again.
I received a download notification, but I don’t see it on the iPad.
Clear the service cache in iPad settings.
I did not receive a download notification.
Downloads are not available until six (6) days before the service date. Clear the service cache in iPad settings, then check the iPad for a download.
How long do I have a download?
Due to the licensing agreement with Copyright holders, downloads are only available for six (6) days prior to the service date and six (6) days after the service date.
How will the church receive an invoice?
Invoices will be emailed to the email addresses provided. The email will come from QuickBooks. It will include the quantity of services ordered for the month. Invoices do not include service dates. Please see What are the service dates on the invoice? below.
When will we receive invoices?
Invoices are sent after the last Sunday of the month for the previous month. The payment is due within 30 days. Please note that for months with holidays and fifth Sundays, invoices may be delayed. Reminders and statements will be sent for overdue invoices separate from the monthly invoices.
What are payment options?
- Online payment link on invoice (preferred)
- Check
- Auto pay options (see below)
Is there a fee for payment options?
No. To encourage online payment method and help customers, Church Music Solution does not have a fee for online payments
How do I set up auto payment?
A form must be completed to set up a bank transfer. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up auto bank transfers.
A credit card number can be provided. Please call to set up auto debiting.
An invoice will be sent, then you will receive a receipt within the day.
Set up auto payment by calling (800) 651-7497 ext. 3 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Where do I mail a check for the payment?
PO Box 44344
Racine, WI 53404
What are the service dates on the invoice?
The dates of the services are not included on invoices, but you can find them in the Order History on our website. Only the quantity of services billed will be displayed on the invoice.
View Order History on the CMS website provides information about submitted services. Follow these steps to check order history:
Log into your CMS account on the computer
Hover the cursor/arrow over SOS
Select a range of dates and click submit. Service dates for submitted services will appear.
To view the order details, click on the desired service date.
Can I deduct a service ordered that wasn’t used?
We don’t charge for services that aren’t used for any reason, but please let us know if a service does not get used. Please call (800) 651-7497 ext. 3 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. that includes the church name and location, and the date of the service not used.
How do I update the email address that receives the invoices?
Multiple email addresses can receive the invoice. Please call (800) 651-7497 ext. 3 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with updated email addresses.
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